Remote communication has become a necessity in today’s world. As a result, video conferencing platforms have grown in popularity, with Google Meet being one of the most popular. The noise cancellation feature of the platform has been a game changer for remote workers, but it is currently only available on a few devices. This blog will review the advantages of extending noise cancellation in Google Meet to more devices in Google Workspace.

Google Meet Noise Cancellation
Google Meet Noise Cancellation

What is Noise Cancellation?

Noise cancellation is a technology that eliminates distracting background noise. It accomplishes this by analyzing the soundwaves in the room and canceling out any noise that does not match the user’s voice. This technology is instrumental in remote meetings where participants work from home or in a noisy coffee shop.

How does Google Meet implement Noise Cancellation?

Google Meet noise cancellation is an artificial intelligence-powered feature that removes background noise from audio during video calls. It works by real-time analyzing the audio stream and filtering out noises such as typing, doors closing, and other ambient sounds that can be distracting during a video call.

This feature recognizes and separates human speech from other sounds using machine learning algorithms. It then muffles the background noise while keeping the speaker’s voice clear and audible.

This feature is especially beneficial for those who work in noisy environments or have children or pets at home during video calls. It aids in the reduction of distractions and the overall quality of the video call experience.

What’s the update?

The noise cancellation feature in Google Meet has been available for some time but only on specific devices, including Google Pixel Buds and Nest Audio. Many people have been left out of the loop because they need access to this feature on their devices. Adding this feature to more devices would be a significant step forward for Google Meet.

Noise Cancellation feature

How will it benefit?

There are numerous advantages to increasing noise cancellation in Google Meet.

  • It can lead to a more productive and efficient meeting experience.
  • Expanding noise cancellation to more devices can make G-Meet more accessible for remote workers and people who cannot afford new devices.
  • It can improve the quality of meetings by enabling better communication and engagement.
  • It will help reduce distractions during meetings that ensure important information is not missed.


Bringing noise cancellation to more devices would be a significant step forward for the platform. It would aid in reducing background noise during meetings, making the platform more accessible, improving meeting quality, and reducing distractions. With so many people working these days remotely, having access to dependable video conferencing technology is more critical than ever. Google Meet can help to make remote work more accessible and more efficient by expanding this technology.

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